Panel: The 3 Biggest Mental Health Concerns At Work

Normalizing the topic of mental health at work begins with talking about it. We brought together leaders from Headspace, Spring Health, and Catalyst to get the conversation going and hopefully inspire action.

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Meet the Panelists

Edward Chiu
Edward Chiu
Co-founder & CEO
Lindsay Critt
Lindsay Crittendon
Head of Headspace for Work
Riley End Spring Health
Riley End
Senior Vice President of Operations
Spring Health

It's been a rough year.

94% of leaders have seen an increase in mental health and wellness concerns among their team members this year.


We need to talk about it.

Only 46% of people are comfortable telling colleagues they’ve taken (or are taking) a day off for mental health and wellness concerns.


And then take action!

99% of leaders believe they have a responsibility to intervene with team members experiencing mental health issues, but only 24% have had formal training.

(Source: Catalyst's Mental Health Initiative)


What You’ll Learn

How leaders are supporting their team members' mental health remotely
Catalyst productivity
Ways for companies to fight against stigma and lead by example
How leaders without formal training can navigate mental health concerns
Catalyst Analytics
Ideas for strategies, resources, and training programs to invest in

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